AI Tools Suite
Error codes and meanings
Response Code Description
Please note that if the value of the response code is not equal to 1000, the request is failed or wrong
Parameter | Value | Description |
code | 1000 | Success |
code | 1003 | Parameter error |
code | 1004 | Requires verification |
code | 1005 | Frequent operation |
code | 1006 | Insufficient quota balance |
code | 1007 | Face count changes exceed |
code | 1008 | content not exist |
code | 1009 | permission denied |
code | 1010 | This content cannot be operated |
code | 1011 | This content has been operated |
code | 1013 | Use audio in video |
code | 1014 | Resource does not exist |
code | 1015 | Video processing error |
code | 1016 | Face swapping error |
code | 1017 | Audio not created |
code | 1101 | Illegal token |
code | 1102 | token cannot be empty |
code | 1103 | Not paid or payment is overdue |
code | 1104 | Insufficient credit balance |
code | 1105 | avatar processing error |
code | 1108 | image processing error |
code | 1109 | account not exist |
code | 1110 | audio processing error |
code | 1111 | avatar callback processing error |
code | 1112 | voice processing error |
code | 1200 | Account blocked |
code | 1201 | create audio processing error |
code | 1202 | Video lip sync same language out of range |
code | 1203 | Using Video and Audio |
code | 1204 | video duration exceed |
code | 1205 | create video processing error |
code | 1206 | backgroound change processing error |
code | 1207 | video size exceed |
code | 1208 | video parsing error |
code | 1209 | The video encoding format is not supported |
code | 1210 | video fps exceed |
code | 1211 | Creating lip sync errors |
code | 1212 | Sentiment analysis fails |
code | 1213 | Requires subscription user to use |
code | 1214 | liveAvatar in processing |
code | 1215 | liveAvatar processing is busy |
code | 1216 | liveAvatar session not exist |
code | 1217 | liveAvatar callback error |
code | 1218 | liveAvatar processing error |
code | 1219 | liveAvatar closed |
code | 1220 | liveAvatar upload avatar error |
code | 1221 | Account not subscribed |
code | 1222 | Resource already exist |
code | 1223 | liveAvatar upload exceed |